Friday, February 15, 2013

la photo du mois: blue.

Voici une photo d'un voyage bien sympa au Maroc en 2010. Elle a été prise à Assilah, un petit village à côté de la mer. Les couleurs vives et intenses du Maroc sont en contraste avec les couleurs plutôt pales du désert. 

Tuxana, Mclw, Agrippine, Louiki, Alice Wonderland, Cara, Ori, Fesse fouille, Olivier, Alban, Cath la Cigale, Cekoline, Skipi, Zaza, La voyageuse comtoise, Solveig, Cherrybee, Une niçoise, Angélique, Lauriane, Coco, Carole In Australia, Ava, Le Mag à lire, Eloclemence, Akaieric, E, Calamonique, Nora, Les voyages de Lucy, Emma, DelphineF, Gizeh, Arwen, Homeos-tasie, Carnets d'images, Chat bleu, Juriste-in-the-city , La Parigina, Leviacarmina, Nataru, Mamysoren, Cocosophie, Galinette, Stephane08, Gilsoub, Photo Tuto, Akromax, Isaquarel, Lo, Bestofava, A&G, La Flaneuse, scarolles-and-co , Lavandine, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, impolitique, Eurydice, Sophie Rififi, Kyoko, Pat Québec, Djoul, Pilisi, Violette, Les petits supplices !, La Fille de l'Air, El Padawan, Mimipetitesouris, Annick, Xoliv', Nie, François le Niçois, David et Mélanie, Viviane, A bowl of oranges, Anne Laure T, Caro, Cindy Chou, Dame Skarlette, Renepaulhenry, Champagne, Caro from London , Happy Us, Testinaute, Fanfan Raccoon, Chloé, Karrijini, A'icha, Cynthia, flechebleu, Sephiraph, The Mouse, Wolverine, Laure, Sébastien, Lyonelk, Anne, Chris et Nanou, Laurent Nicolas, Un jour une rencontre, La Messine, Sinuaisons, Guillaume, magda627, Hibiscus, Lucile et Rod, Marmotte, Blogoth67, Cook9addict, Krn, Xavier Mohr, 100driiine, J'adore j'adhère, Dr. CaSo, Thalie, Nadezda, Caprices de filles, Josiane, Batilou, Cricriyom from Paris, Tambour Major, Kob, Céliano, Filamots, Alexinparis, Christeav, LisaDeParis, Elodie, Frédéric, Lau* des montagnes, Julie, Céline in Paris, LaGodiche, Nicky, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Flo, Mistinguett, Caterine, Louisianne, Dorydee, Cessna, oui !, The Parisienne.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

la photo du mois: degré.

I had a hard time this month! The theme for the photo of the month was 'degré' or degree. Living in Québec, most things that come to mind when I think of degree in January are freezing, we are surrounded by cold here in the winter months. Which motivated me to find something that represented quite the opposite degree. So, tonight I'm imagining myself next to a summer campfire, roasting marshmallows and warming my toes after a relaxing day by the lake. Friends' conversations murmuring in the background. Eyes up to the sky taking in the stars.
Far away from the snowy streets of Montreal!

Bon, je dois avouer que j'ai eu du mal à choisir une photo ce mois-ci. Comme plein d'autres j'imagine, la première chose qui vient en tête en pensant à 'degré' (pendant l'hiver à Montréal) c'est quelque chose de bien froid. Mais au lieu de rester sur le froid, j'ai choisi une photo représentant l'opposé. Et donc nous voilà, à côté du feu de camps en plein mois du juillet, en train de griller des chamallows et de papoter entre amis après une journée passée au lac. Bien loin du froid!


100driiine, A&G, Agrippine, A'icha, Akaieric, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, AngÈlique, Anne, Anne Laure T, Annick, Arwen, Ava, Batilou, Bestofava, Blogoth67, Calamonique, Cara, Carnets d'images, Caro, Carole In Australia, Caterine, Cathy, Cekoline, CÈliano, CÈline in Paris, Cessna, oui !, Champagne, Cherrybee, Chris et Nanou, Christeav, Coco, Cocosophie, Cook9addict, Cricriyom from Paris, Cynthia, Dame Skarlette, David et MÈlanie, DelphineF, Djoul, Dorydee, Dr. CaSo, E, El Padawan, Eloclemence, EloFFort, Eurydice, Fanfan Raccoon, Filamots, Flo, FranÁois le NiÁois, FrÈdÈric, Galinette, Gilsoub, Gizeh, Guillaume, Happy Us, Hibiscus, Isaquarel, J'adore j'adhËre, Jean Wilmotte, Josiane, Julie, Juriste-in-the-city , Kob, Krn, Kyoko, La Fille de l'Air, La Flaneuse, La Messine, La Papote, La Parigina, LaGodiche, Laure, Laurent Nicolas, Lauriane, Lavandine, Le Mag ‡ lire, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Les petits supplices !, Les voyages de Lucy, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, Leviacarmina, LisaDeParis, Lo, Louisianne, Lucile et Rod, Lyonelk, M, magda627, MaÔder, Mamysoren, Mara Bunta , Marion, Marmotte, Mclw, Melting Pot, Mgie les bons tuyaux, Mimipetitesouris, Misscarone, Mistinguett, N, Nana, Nataru, Nathalie, Nicky, Nikit@, Nora, Olivier, Ori, Pat QuÈbec, Petite Marie, Photo Tuto, Pilisi, Renepaulhenry, SÈbastien, Sephiraph, Shandara, Sinuaisons, Skipi, Solveig, Sophie Rififi, Stephane08, Supalisa, Tambour Major, Testinaute, Thalie, The Mouse, The Parisienne, Titem, Un jour une rencontre, Une niÁoise, Valentine, Vanilla, Violette, Virginie, Viviane, Xavier Mohr, Xoliv', Zaza, Nadezda.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

la photo du mois: votre blog en une photo.

Welcome back photo-of-the-monthers! I missed a few months as things got busy around here, but I'm back for the theme this month, 'votre blog en une photo' or 'your blog in one photo'. Those who know me will understand why I chose an airplane. As a pilot, avid traveler, and a romantic, I always look forward to a flight, wherever it happens to be taking me. On this particular day, I was leaving my family after a wonderful trip home for Christmas in Utah, on my way to Paris, France to meet up with my boyfriend's family for New Years. I've seen so many spectacular sunsets against that western mountain range, but this one was particularly moving. I find this photo embodies the spirit of my blog, which was started to share my travels and adventures with family and friends. If only it were easier to keep up! 

Be sure to stop by the other blogs that participate in la photo du mois:

Dr CaSo, Nicky, Sephiraph, Cara, Happy Us, DelphineF, LaFamilleD , Flo, Frédéric, Leviacarmina, Champagne, Pilisi, Le Mag à lire, Nathalie, El Padawan, Dorydee, Krn, Louiki, Xavier Mohr, Natderueil, La Nantaise, Carole In Australia, Christeav, Lucile et Rod, magda627, 100driiine, Guillaume, Louisianne, Sébastien, Cessna, oui !, N, Xoliv', Thilily, Caterine, M, Céline in Paris, Lauriane, Dame Skarlette, Manola, Clara, Alban, Nataru, Cindy Chou, Valentine, Alexanne, Akaieric, Solveig, Kyoko, Josiane, Viviane, Céliano, Une niçoise, Alice, J'adore j'adhère, Lhise, Emma, Un jour une rencontre, Alice Wonderland, LaGodiche, Cekoline, Dreamteam, Lyonelk, Vanilla, Narayan, Caro, Chris et Nanou, Zaza, Thalie, Isabelle et Gilles, Juriste-in-the-city , Virginie, Lavandine, Cherrybee, Les zinzins, Ava, Les petits supplices !, Arwen, M.C.O, Filamots, Bestofava, Tambour Major, A&G, La Parigina, Cynthia, La Flaneuse, Les voyages de Lucy, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, Mgie les bons tuyaux, Marion, Blogoth67, Karrijini, Stephane08, Cricriyom from Paris, Hibiscus, Gizeh, Violette, La Papote, Kob, Carnets d'images, Ori, Batilou, Mistinguett, E, Angélique, Mamysoren, Eloclemence, Melting Pot, Sophie Rififi, Anne, Laure, Escapade en Tunisie, Galinette, Anne Laure T, Sinuaisons, The Mouse, Skipi, Laurent Nicolas, Justine, Isaquarel, Nora, La Fille de l'Air, Marmotte, Djoul, Fanfan Raccoon, Jean Wilmotte, Coco, Petite Marie, François le Niçois, David et Mélanie, Agrippine, Alexinparis, Annick, Cocosophie, Renepaulhenry, Pat Québec, Cathy, Caprices de filles, Maïder, Gilsoub, La Messine, Olivier, Lo, Shandara.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

la photo du mois: oh my god.

This month's theme, 'oh my god' was enormously general, and yet surprisingly challenging. There weren't very many guidelines for specifics of the theme, so I'll be curious to see what other participants came up with.

Once I knew the theme, one of the photos that came to mind right away was this one from our hot air balloon ride last summer, almost exactly a year ago. We were so high up in the air, packed into such a small space, all enjoying the peaceful morning between blasts of fire that the pilot used to keep us afloat. Truth be told, a more true representation of 'oh my god' would be the video recording of our landing after this picture was taken. But that's a story for another day!

Be sure to check out the rest of the photos from the participating bloggers as well : 

BabouLavandineAnnickFanfan RaccoonNomade57AvaLaurianeAlbanLes zinzinsNarayanCarole In EnglandMuni57LouikiKrnM'dame JoOriLa PariginaBestofavaSinuaisonsLaGodicheCaraMaïderNathalieFrédéricDorydeeGuillaumeGizehAlexanneSébastienLaurent NicolasNoraStephane08MarionOù trouver à Montréal ?AparçaMamysorenCéline in ParisGalinetteLes voyages de Seth et LiseMM.C.OCélianoFrançois le NiçoisManolaOryannECocosophieLesegartenL'AzimutéeTambour MajorArwenLeviacarminaLhiseStéphie&lesCacahuètesCynthiaAnneChampagneMarieOtakuA&GLes voyages de LucyCaroLes petits supplices !Véro BerameloLe-Chroniqueurmagda627Terhi SchramflorianLAudeDavid et MélanieLost in LondonXavier MohrCocoElapsticAndré(eric)FernandesEscapade en TunisieSephiraphJ'adore j'adhèrejen et damAgrippineOlivierTyph'TestinauteBlogoth67Cricriyom from Paris100driiineNataruClaraEmi LondonThe MouseBatilouCherrybeeAgnèsKarrijiniUne niçoiseMisscaroneChris et NanouDreamteamGilsoubDanCathyNickyAnne-CécileKyokoHibiscusLouisianneUn jour une rencontreKobAlice WonderlandAlexinparisPetite MarieAkaiericTitemAnne Laure TSkipiVanillaLa PapoteLa NantaiseXoliv'La Fille de l'AirKynDr CaSoLyonelkIsabelleMelting PotMistinguettSuper LisaCarnets d'imagesFloNelcieVivianeVioletteJean WilmotteZaromchaCekolineDNAEmmaLa FlaneuseFilamotsTamPilisiCessna, oui !Mgie les bons tuyauxQuelbazarRenepaulhenryAnitaLaureLe Mag à lire


Sunday, July 15, 2012

la photo du mois: la vie en vert.

This month's theme for photo of the month was 'la vie en vert', vert being green or nature. On a hike on a nature reserve on Ile St Bernard last weekend, I chose this photo from among the ones I took that day.

At first I was a bit frustrated not to get the exact shot that I wanted, but I like how this came out. The photo has a hidden part to it that you don't notice at first, but you can't ignore once you see it. Do you see it?

Be sure to check out the rest of the photos from the participating bloggers as well : 

Babou, Lavandine, Annick, Fanfan Raccoon, Nomade57, Ava, Lauriane, Alban, Les zinzins, Narayan, Carole In England, Muni57, Louiki, Krn, M'dame Jo, Ori, La Parigina, Bestofava, Sinuaisons, LaGodiche, Cara, Maïder, Nathalie, Frédéric, Dorydee, Guillaume, Gizeh, Alexanne, Sébastien, Laurent Nicolas, Nora, Stephane08, Marion, Où trouver à Montréal ?, Aparça, Mamysoren, Céline in Paris, Galinette, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, M, M.C.O, Céliano, François le Niçois, Manola, Oryann, E, Cocosophie, Lesegarten, L'Azimutée, Tambour Major, Arwen, Leviacarmina, Lhise, Stéphie&lesCacahuètes, Cynthia, Anne, Champagne, Marie, Otaku, A&G, Les voyages de Lucy, Caro, Les petits supplices !, Véro Beramelo, Le-Chroniqueur, magda627, Terhi Schram, florianL, Aude, David et Mélanie, Lost in London, Xavier Mohr, Coco, Elapstic, André(eric)Fernandes, Escapade en Tunisie, Sephiraph, J'adore j'adhère, jen et dam, Agrippine, Olivier, Typh', Testinaute, Blogoth67, Cricriyom from Paris, 100driiine, Nataru, Clara, Emi London, The Mouse, Batilou, Cherrybee, Agnès, Karrijini, Une niçoise, Misscarone, Chris et Nanou, Dreamteam, Gilsoub, Dan, Cathy, Nicky, Anne-Cécile, Kyoko, Hibiscus, Louisianne, Un jour une rencontre, Kob, Alice Wonderland, Alexinparis, Petite Marie, Akaieric, Titem, Anne Laure T, Skipi, Vanilla, La Papote, La Nantaise, Xoliv', La Fille de l'Air, Kyn, Dr CaSo, Lyonelk, Isabelle, Melting Pot, Mistinguett, Super Lisa, Carnets d'images, Flo, Nelcie, Viviane, Violette, Jean Wilmotte, Zaromcha, Cekoline, DNA, Emma, La Flaneuse, Filamots, Tam, Pilisi, Cessna, oui !, Mgie les bons tuyaux, Quelbazar, Renepaulhenry, Anita, Laure, Le Mag à lire

Friday, June 15, 2012

la photo du mois.

Each month I'll be participating in a group called 'La photo du mois' or Photo of the Month. Every participating blogger takes a picture according to a specific theme chosen by the group's president, and posts it on the 15th of the month. 

This month's theme was 'transparence'.

I would have liked a better photo to join the group with a bang, but I found it to be a very challenging theme! The photo was taken at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral in downtown Montreal. This is only the first of many months though, so stick around to see what I post up next!



You can take a look at the rest of the bloggers who participate in the club... standby for a list!

food for thought.

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